Welcome Mr. Zhaoyu Li to join S3G team ~
Zhaoyu obtained his BSc and MEng from Southwest Jiaotong University in 2012 and 2015, respectively. His research will focus on Nonlinear Energy Sink based energy harvesting and vibration suppression, supported by Marsden Grant.
Congrats to Zhaoshu! The first paper in his PhD “Broadband Nonlinear Behaviour of a Soft Magneto-Sensitive Elastomer Cantilever under Low Frequency and Low Magnitude Excitation” was accepted for publication in Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures!
well done, zhaoshu. keep up the good work.
Congrats to Guobiao! The paper “A General Framework Based on a Derived One-Dimensional Piezoelectric Composite Finite Element for Modelling Multifunctional Metamaterial Beam” was accepted for publication in ASCE Journal of Aerospace Engineering!
Well done, Guobiao!
Congrats to Liuyang! The paper entitled “Broadband Piezoelectric Vibration Energy Harvesting Using a Nonlinear Energy Sink” was accepted for publication in Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
well done!
Congrats to Geng! The paper entitled “Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Dynamic Behavior of a Standing-Wave Thermoacoustic Engine with Various Boundary Conditions” was accepted for publication in International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer!
Well done! Keep up the great work.
Congrats to Guobiao! The paper on Internally Coupled Metamaterial Beam for Simultaneous Vibration Suppression and Low Frequency Energy Harvesting was accepted for publication by Journal of Applied Physics.
Well done! Keep up the great work.
Geng passed the provisional examination on 11/1/2018
Congrats to Geng!
Congrats to Liuyang! The paper on a comprehensive study on 2:1 internal resonance based energy harvester was accepted for publication by Nonlinear Dynamics.
well done!
Welcome Liuding and Zhiwei!
Liuding Yu (from Harbin Engineering Univ.) and Zhiwei Zhang (Beijing Jiao Tong Univ.) joined our team as visiting PhD students last week and will conduct research at Univ. of Auckland for 2 years and 1 year, respectively. Liuding will work on self-adaptive structures for effective vibration suppression and energy harvesting. Zhiwei will focus on harvesting kinetic energy from civil structures.